Code of Professional Conduct
Members shall uphold the professionalism of Membership/CPL and shall at all times:
Act with the integrity and professionalism and carry out their duties in such a way as to promote a professional image of the industry.
Continue their professional development throughout compromising on their professional integrity or ethics
Endeavor to serve their profession without compromising on their professional integrity or ethics.
Strive to build their professional reputation based on credit ability and compete professionally as appropriate.
Promote actively understanding, goodwill and cooperation within their own industry and among industries.
Carry out their professional works in accordance with the technical and professional standards expected of them.
Conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the food reputation of the profession and refrain from any act or default likely to bring discredit to the profession.
Comply with any supplementary Code of Conduct issued from time to time.
Conduct publicity in a manner consistent with the good standing and reputation of the profession and not contain anything as is likely to bring discredit to the profession.
Act in a manner that will not bring members of the profession into disrepute.
Not to act in relation to other members in any way or manner so as to lower the dignity or honor of the profession or to discredit the profession.
Comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations of any government, governmental agency and regulatory organization governing their profession and industry as well as this Code of Professional Conduct.